Star Trek

by Omaste Witkowski
Star Trek
Omaste Witkowski
Painting - Digital Painting
For all you trekkies out there, this photograph turned into a painted reflection reminds me of Star Trek. It is the same colors as Captain Kirk's uniform, it is in the shape of a star and I can see an alien face in the middle.
"Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment franchise created by Gene Roddenberry and currently under the ownership of CBS.[Note 1] The franchise began in 1966 with the television series Star Trek later referred to as Star Trek: The Original Series. This series, its spin-off shows: Star Trek: The Animated Series,[Note 2] Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise, as well as the film series make up the core of the franchise's mythos. While the critical response to much of the franchise varies, many individual Star Trek episodes and films have won awards and honors including Emmy Awards, Hugo Awards, and an Academy Award.
Westerns such as Wagon Train along with the novel Gulliver's Travels inspired Roddenberry when he created the first Star Trek. It followed the interstellar adventures of James T. Kirk and the crew of an exploration vessel of a 23rd century galactic "United Federation of Planets"�the Starship Enterprise. This first series, now referred to as "The Original Series", debuted in 1966 and ran for three seasons on NBC. These adventures continued in the short-lived Star Trek: The Animated Series and six feature films. Four spin-off television series were eventually produced; Star Trek: The Next Generation, followed the crew of a new Starship Enterprise set a century after the original series; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, set contemporaneously with The Next Generation; and Star Trek: Enterprise, set before the original series, in the early days of human interstellar travel. Four additional The Next Generation feature films were produced. In 2009, the prequel of the original series (set in an alternate timeline) Star Trek featuring a new cast portraying younger versions of the crew from the original Enterprise appeared. A sequel to this film, Star Trek Into Darkness, is scheduled for release on May 17, 2013.
Star Trek has been a cult phenomenon since its beginning.[1] Fans of the franchise are called Trekkies or Trekkers. The franchise spans a wide range of spin-offs including games, novels, toy lines and replicas. Star Trek had a themed attraction in Las Vegas which opened in 1998 and closed in September 2008. At least two museum exhibits of props travel the world. The series even has its own full-fledged constructed language, Klingon. Several parodies have been made of Star Trek and its fans, despite the end of Star Trek episodes on TV, and several fan productions have been produced in that void.
Star Trek is noted for its influence on the world outside of science fiction. It has been cited as an inspiration for several technological inventions such as the cell phone. Moreover, the show is noted for its progressive civil rights stances. The original series included one of television's first multiracial casts, and the first televised inter-racial kiss. Star Trek references can be found throughout popular culture from movies such as the submarine thriller Crimson Tide and the cartoon series South Park." - Wikipedia
This painting started out as a picture of handblown glass created by Garth Mudge of Glassworks in Winthrop Wa. Glassworks is located downtown in the beautiful Methow Valley in Okanogan County .
I painted and reflected the original image into a whole new image. I am retaining as much of the original textures as possible. I am using only the colors that originated in the picture when it was a photograph. I am using these colors as a starting point for the picture. Then I choose which textures to use to complement the colors. Then I start painting and when I have painted to my hearts content I create a new layer, reverse it and overlay it onto the original image. I call this a Reflection.
I am really enjoying using the photographs I have taken over the years as starting points for new individual artworks. I lover the tools that are available to help us create ever new and changing art works. A Wacom tablet and Photoshop software have opened up a whole new world of creative options for me
March 15th, 2013
Comments (25)

Omaste Witkowski
Thank you very much to the buyer in Piscataway, NJ for taking home my Star Trek artwork!

Judy Hall-Folde
Does anyone else see an alien in this work? Wow...shapes and colors just take you there!

Jeff Swan
You made a klingon!!!!! Awesome Omaste!
Omaste Witkowski replied:
Very cool, I think :-) I never know what I am making with these reflections until I am done and then I look at them and try to see what they are....