Fever Dreams

by Omaste Witkowski
Fever Dreams
Omaste Witkowski
Painting - Photograph.painting
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.~ Marilyn Monroe
Fever Dreams by Omaste Witkowski
Sleeping in a warm bed and dreaming frosty dreams. Snow capped peaks and warm valleys. Hot and cold mix in a dramatic pleasure dance. Circle the center and get lost in the middle. How many times do you mull something over before you come to the conclusion that was waiting for you all along. How many times do you start hot with someone or something and end up cold.
My painting represents all of this and more. What do you see in here. Do you see the extremes or does the middle ground catch your eye. The soft soothing compromises that are necessary for the balance of humanity.
This painting started out as a picture of handblown glass created by Garth Mudge of Glassworks in Winthrop Wa. Glassworks is located downtown in the beautiful Methow Valley in Okanogan County.
It was taken with a Macro lens and is a very small section of the overall object. The colors are vivid and alive due to the way that I am illuminating the glass art as I am taking the picture. In a way I am photographing the light as it passes through the object.
In this particular photograph I have gone in by hand and painted over the original image. I am retaining as much of the original textures as possible. I am using only the colors that originated in the picture when it was a photograph. I am using these colors as a starting point for the picture. Then I choose which textures to use to complement the colors. Then I start painting and adding my own textures and visions to the shapes and colors I started with.
I have been a professional photographer for many years but it is only recently that I have been photographing glass at any level. It is such an exciting experience to discover these images. I almost feel like an archeologist as I explore a small hidden word and reveal the treasures within.
Explore the attractive custom framing and matting options available on this page; all are competitively priced.
If you have any questions about my images or need assistance with sizing, framing, etc., please contact me, before placing your order, at [email protected]
June 19th, 2013