Joining Forces Methow Valley Landscapes by Omashte

by Omaste Witkowski
Joining Forces Methow Valley Landscapes by Omashte
Omaste Witkowski
Photograph - Illustrations, Patterns & Colors
Joining Forces
Methow Valley Landscapes by Omashte
There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams
July 22nd, 2015
Comments (1)

Omaste Witkowski
To the designer/collector from Piedmont, OK - Thank you! I'm so excited for you to enjoy this early morning view from the banks of the Methow and Chewuch Rivers. What you see is the confluence of both these rivers. Clear streaming water flowing down from the Cascade Mountain range. Have you been to the Methow Valley? It's a gorgeous area in Washington State and I would love to share more about it with you if you have any questions or want to learn more.