Secret Garden

by Omaste Witkowski
Secret Garden
Omaste Witkowski
Painting - Photograph.painting
Secret Garden
Motivational Artwork by Omashte
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. ~ Buddha
The title of this work is
"Secret Garden"
I stood in this spot and took a photograph and then I brought the photograph into my computer and into Photoshop. When I bring photos into Photoshop I tune out my brain and tune into my heart.
The eyes in my head close and my spiritual eyes open behind them. In this state I hear colors rather than see them. I am making music with shades and shapes. Each picture is a spiritual song I am singing to you.
White is a pure color that streams uninterrupted and allows everything else to fall into place. In this photo the daisies will lead you onto the path and everything will share a message along the way.
So for me, I make music in Photoshop. Music for your soul, not your ears.
In this secret garden, the colors will sing to you.
Close your mind, open your heart and listen.
What do you hear?
The title of this work is "Secret Garden". I see an enchanted pathway leading into a hidden place. Go down this lane and wait for colorful surprises around the corner. The sunlight is brilliant and muted at the same time. The trees overhead cast a gentle archway through which you can walk. The soft smell drifting on the wind is like a caress to your senses as you enjoy the warm breeze.
Daisies play hide and seek with the other flowers in this space. The lilies are not yet appearing and the Peonies spread their petals in brilliant pink pleasure. Little blue forget me knots are smiling cheerfully as they bask in the sun. The tulips are a vivid memory but no longer a part of the picture. Patient rocks keep tabs on all of them and overall, I am imagining that this would be a really nice place to wander through for a while.
Explore the attractive custom framing and matting options available on this page; all are competitively priced.
If you have any questions about my images or need assistance with sizing, framing, etc., please contact me, before placing your order, at [email protected]
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There are three, charming, small towns to explore, all with a unique character: Twisp, Winthrop and Mazama. Indulge in locally grown organic produce at a farmers market, enjoy the thriving arts community, linger at the bookstore, sports shop or bakery, or participate in events and festivals most weekends of the summer. Feeling ambitious? Test your skills in a recreational or competitive running or bike event or try out the scenic road biking on virtually traffic-free, riverside, country roads." Cree ate the inner bark in the spring as a mild purgative."
June 21st, 2013
Comments (47)

Sherri Of Palm Springs
So Very beautiful Omaste, another lovely image that is so so beautifully presented.. Your so talented my friend Sherri FL

Omaste, Gorgeous outdoors garden like painting, great colors and remarkable details in this wonderful painting, fav, voted, google and tweet promoted