Sunflowers on Psychadelics

by Omaste Witkowski
Sunflowers on Psychadelics
Omaste Witkowski
Painting - Digital Painting
Sunflowers on Psychadelics
Abstract Flowers Motivationsl Artwork by Omashte
Painting is a blind man's profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen. ~Pablo Picasso
Sunflowers on Psychedelics
I love flowers. I enjoy the bright colors and random beauty. I see them and I smile. I stop to smell them and I am transported. All light and beauty and again, color. An abstract flower is a version of what I have seen and what I want to create. Normal and ordinary is a difficult concept for me. I enjoy making things unique to where people want to look more closely at what I have done. To look for the hidden compositions inside of the obvious one.
My goal is to have every picture tell a story. Not just what you see but what you see makes you think about. I enjoy creating art and then I love to just look at it. Funny I am sure but I derive pleasure from soaking in the colors. I am not always sure what I am creating in the moment and when I get to study it afterward I see so many things that I didn't know I was painting into the scene. So I get to read my story after it is painted and enjoy it again and again. I hope you enjoy them as well. Thank you for viewing and reading.
August 1st, 2013