Staring Into The Abyss Abstract Art by Omashte

by Omaste Witkowski
Staring Into The Abyss Abstract Art by Omashte
Omaste Witkowski
Digital Art - Illustrations, Patterns & Colors
Staring Into The Abyss
Abstract Art by Omashte
Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. ~Anthony J. D�Angelo
I really love this picture and can learn so much from it. I am enjoying the way that it invites me to really question what I know. The obvious elements of color invite a deeper understanding of combinations and interactions. What is happening here. Is it old or is it new. What is in between other than knowledge?
I invite you to ponder this picture and ask yourself what messages might be conveyed here. Or just stare into the abyss and find soothing and calm in the center :-) Either way I hope that you enjoy it.
If you do see something here I would love it if you would share with me what it was to you.
I am creating unique blends of macro photography and digital illustration. Working from my photographs of colored glass, I create multi-layered explorations of texture and form. Combining simple, hand-drawn shapes with highly processed, complex backgrounds, resulting in joyous compositions of color and light. I work primarily on my computer and my images are available as prints in a variety of mediums. Acrylic prints are my favorite and I invite you to visit the Idaho First Bank in downtown Boise Idaho to see samples of my latest work.
I intend positive energy and healing vibrations into every artwork, illustration, and design I create. Abstract, unique and spiritual images are my favorite and I use color, shape and texture to express peace and beauty throughout the process. Visualizing dimensions that exist purely in light, where beauty is accepted wholeheartedly as a matter of fact and bliss is second nature.
Art is life to me and I live to find light and beauty every day. Reveling in the vibrations of it and the sound that it makes to my soul. No matter what I am feeling in a moment I can find another dimension of calm and peace in vibrant shades of imagination. Then the challenge is bringing the essence of what is found there, back here, through my art. A place made purely of light that speaks a language of color. My mission is to bring illumination, transformation, and joy into interior decorations and designs and change the world one space at a time.
August 5th, 2015