Red-Eyes Black Dragon
by Omaste Witkowski
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Omaste Witkowski
Painting - Digital Reflection Painting
I see intense red eyes and a magical face. This exotic animal is staring me down and daring me to expose it to the world. It is not an iguana but a Dragon. Mystical and fierce.
"Red-Eyes Black Dragon
A dark dragon that is commonly seen as a rival and counterpart to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Its link to Blue-Eyes is explicitly stated in the first movie: "The Blue-Eyes brings power, while the Red-Eyes brings potential". While the Blue-Eyes is stronger in terms of pure power, the Red-Eyes has a greater number of alternate forms that can overpower the Blue-Eyes.
"Red-Eyes Black Dragon" is one of Joey Wheeler's strongest monster cards, originally belonged to Rex Raptor. Rex bet it against Joey in the hopes of seizing his Time Wizard, but Joey instead used that same card to fossilize Rex's dinosaur monsters and thus claimed victory, along with his favorite card.[6] The card goes on to become a key card in Joey's deck, and he gradually integrates more and more cards to strengthen the Dragon and call forth its alternate forms. In the Battle City arc, Joey loses the card to a Rare Hunter, which is then reclaimed by Yugi. Joey declines to take the card back, saying he would reclaim when he grows as a Duelist and beats Yugi in a duel. While the conclusion to their duel is never seen, following arcs in the anime show Joey has Red-Eyes in his deck, implying that he lost but Yugi gave it back anyway, as Yugi is still World Champion.
The card is also used by Nightshroud and his host, Atticus Rhodes in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Nightshroud uses the full extent of the card's power through a wide array of cards based around it, including Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. After Nightshroud is defeated, his spirit is sealed in the card and Atticus periodically calls on its power for assistance, though he does use Red-Eyes outside of his Nightshroud form. Red-Eyes also makes an appearance in the first Yu-Gi-Oh! movie, as a card found by Shougo Aoyama, and finds himself under pursuit by Kaiba.
In 2008, the Structure Deck "Zombie World" was released and along with it, the Ultra Rare card, Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon, which is the zombie counterpart of "Red-Eyes Black Dragon".
Other counterparts include Red-Eyes Wyvern, a rarer, but less powerful counterpart of "Red-Eyes Black Dragon"; Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon, a cybernetic, metal-coated version of "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" with increased ATK; Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon which gains ATK points proportionate to each Dragon-type monster in the player's Graveyard; Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, which can Special Summon one Dragon-type Monster from the player's hand or Graveyard every turn; and the newly introduced Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon, a malevolent corruption of the original, which can be Special Summoned by removing from play a regular "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" from the deck itself, but is destroyed immediately when there is no Field Spell Card face-up on the field.
"Red-Eyes Black Dragon" too, has Fusion counterparts. By fusing itself with Summoned Skull, Black Skull Dragon can be Fusion Summoned. Another fusion is with Meteor Dragon to form the powerful Meteor Black Dragon." - Wikipedia
This painting started out as a picture of handblown glass created by Garth Mudge of Glassworks in Winthrop Wa. Glassworks is located downtown in the beautiful Methow Valley in Okanogan County.
I painted and reflected the original image into a whole new image. I am retaining as much of the original textures as possible. I am using only the colors that originated in the picture when it was a photograph. I am using these colors as a starting point for the picture. Then I choose which textures to use to complement the colors. Then I start painting and when I have painted to my hearts content I create a new layer, reverse it and overlay it onto the original image. I call this a Reflection.
I am really enjoying using the photographs I have taken over the years as starting points for new individual artworks. I lover the tools that are available to help us create ever new and changing art works. A Wacom tablet and Photoshop software have opened up a whole new world of creative options for me
March 18th, 2013
Comments (21)
Andy Prendy
Hi Omaste - this is my favourite of your newest works - I think the simplicity of the forms give it great impact. By the way, with regard to images like this (including some of my own) and our reactions to them, another FAA member recently informed me that we are exhibiting a psycological phenomenon known as pareidolia, which means perceiving faces or recognisable things in vague or even random images. Most famous example would be the Turin shroud (debatably). Just thought I'd mention it in case it's new for you too :-)
Omaste Witkowski replied:
Thank you Andy, I appreciate the feedback and insight. This is new to me. I will read more....