Pink Echinacea Digital Flower Photo.Painting Composite Artwork by Omaste Witkowski

by Omaste Witkowski
Pink Echinacea Digital Flower Photo.Painting Composite Artwork by Omaste Witkowski
Omaste Witkowski
Photograph - Digital Photo.painting Composite Artwork
Pink Echinacea Digital Flower Photo.Painting Composite Artwork
by Omaste Witkowksi owFotoGrafik.com
This photograph was taken in Winthrop Wa (Washington State), in the beautiful Methow Valley. The Methow is a small jewel of an area not too far from Seattle in the Pacific Northwest. Okanogan County is such a great place to live for all of the sunshine and outdoors recreation.
My garden in the spring is a magical place to be. Here in Winthrop this flower will show up in about June depending on where exactly you live. Twisp, Winthrop, Mazama and Carlton each have their own time when it blooms. Seattle has a much longer growing season than we do.
"Echinacea (pron.: /ˌɛkɨˈneɪʃⁱə/)[1] is a genus, or group of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family, Asteraceae. The nine species it contains are commonly called coneflowers. They are endemic to eastern and central North America, where they are found growing in moist to dry prairies and open wooded areas. They have large, showy heads of composite flowers, blooming from early to late summer. The generic name is derived from the Greek word ἐχῖνος (echino), meaning "sea urchin," due to the spiny central disk. Some species are used in herbal medicines and some are cultivated in gardens for their showy flowers. A few species are of conservation concern." - Wikipedia
Explore the attractive custom framing and matting options available on this page; all are competitively priced.
If you have any questions about my images or need assistance with sizing, framing, etc., please contact me, before placing your order, at [email protected]
August 19th, 2014
Comments (3)

Barbara Chichester
Your outstanding artwork has been chosen as a FEATURE in one of the most highly viewed Art Groups on Fine Art America. MOTIVATION MEDITATION INSPIRATION! From the hundreds of pieces of artwork received daily to review and choose from, your work has been chosen because of it's Excellence! Congratulations!