Mysterious Beauty

by Omaste Witkowski
Mysterious Beauty
Omaste Witkowski
Painting - Mixed Media Painting
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Mysterious Beauty by Omaste Witkowski
True individuality almost seems like a luxury at times, and I don't always get a chance to just express myself. If I create what comes naturally to me will anyone like it? Do I try and create what I think others will like or do I create what is in my heart. I try not to over think it and just let the picture be what it wants to be.
This painting is an example of one I am really enjoying and it is a bit intense. The colors are bright and alive as is the texture on the surface. There is depth however in the underlying layers. Taken all together it is a unique combination of many styles I have been experimenting with. This image is composed of a photograph of a glass ornament, painted over, textures applied and a heavy oil paint overlay. I am really enjoying the overall effect and I hope that you find beauty here as well.
This painting started out as a picture of handblown glass created by Garth Mudge of Glassworks in Winthrop Wa. Glassworks is located downtown in the beautiful Methow Valley in Okanogan County.
It was taken with a Macro lens and is a very small section of the overall object. The colors are vivid and alive due to the way that I am illuminating the glass art as I am taking the picture. In a way I am photographing the light as it passes through the object.
In this particular photograph I have gone in by hand and painted over the original image. I am retaining as much of the original textures as possible. I am using only the colors that originated in the picture when it was a photograph. I am using these colors as a starting point for the picture. Then I choose which textures to use to complement the colors. Then I start painting and adding my own textures and visions to the shapes and colors I started with.
I have been a professional photographer for many years but it is only recently that I have been photographing glass at any level. It is such an exciting experience to discover these images. I almost feel like an archeologist as I explore a small hidden word and reveal the treasures within.
Explore the attractive custom framing and matting options available on this page; all are competitively priced.
If you have any questions about my images or need assistance with sizing, framing, etc., please contact me, before placing your order, at [email protected]
June 17th, 2013