Magic Mushroom

by Omaste Witkowski
Magic Mushroom
Omaste Witkowski
Painting - Digital Photographs
Magic Mushroom
By Omaste Witkowski
Come Taste My Magic Mushroom. You know you want to... No, not an actual edible mushroom. I am talking about my abstract mushroom painting. I painted a Magic Mushroom sitting quietly on the forest floor waiting to be picked. It glows with anticipation and glee. If you really could eat it, imagine what it would taste like. Would the soft glow coming from behind it forever alter the taste of this fungus? Would that be better or worse. I am intrigued by the idea that this painting is a kind of Jack o Lantern abstract from another dimension. Can you imagine that there is a party going on on the other side of this screen? You can barely make out shapes and shades of colors that seem to glow and move. Oh that is right, a mushroom not a party. What was I thinking, or is this just the mushroom talking. After all we did just try to taste it.....
I am enjoying my Digital Painting series. In this set of images I am using photographs as starting points for original paintings. I am using the colors and some of the textures in the photograph to manipulate by hand with a Wacom Tablet. This allows me to use elements of one image to create a new image. The colors that come from the original photograph are bright and alive. This helps the overall painting to be vivid as well.
This painting started as a photograph of a piece of glass artwork created by Garth Mudge of Glassworks in Winthrop, Wa. It was taken with a Macro lens and is a very small section of the overall object. The colors are vivid and alive due to the way that I am illuminating the glass art as I am taking the picture. In a way I am photographing the light as it passes through the object.
In this particular photograph I have gone in by hand and painted over the original image. Adding my own textures and visions to the shapes and colors I started with.
I have been a professional photographer for many years but it is only recently that I have been photographing glass at any level. It is such an exciting experience to discover these images. I almost feel like an archeologist as I explore a small hidden word and reveal the treasures within.
February 25th, 2013