Hope Springs Eternal Abstract Creativity Artwork

by Omaste Witkowski
Hope Springs Eternal Abstract Creativity Artwork
Omaste Witkowski
Digital Art - Illustrations, Patterns & Colors
Hope Springs Eternal Abstract Creativity Artwork
by Omaste Witkowski owFotoGrafik.com
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
~Desmond Tutu
I see hope in the form of bright blue, yellow and green. Spreading out into the darkness to give nourishment to the rest of the world. My hope is vibrant and alive. Ready to take on the next challenge and seep out of the underworld to bring light to the masses. There are always barriers to change and they can seem quite solid if we let them. It is nice to be reminded that there is both light and dark in the world and the light will always find a way to be seen.
This image is part of my Digital Stained Glass series of work. These are all created with a combination of Macro photography, Colorful Patterns, Layers of color with varying transparencies and Hand Drawn Illustrations. The overall effect reminds me of stained glass and I am loving all of the possibilities for creating vivid artworks. Stay tuned for more colorful creations.......
February 16th, 2015