Carlton Complex and Methow River Panorama by Omaste Witkowski

by Omaste Witkowski
Carlton Complex and Methow River Panorama by Omaste Witkowski
Omaste Witkowski
Photograph - Digital Photo.painting Composite Artwork
Carlton Complex and Methow River Panorama
by Omaste Witkowski owFotoGrafik.com
Nature does nothing in vain. ~Aristotle
This is a photograph taken during the Carlton Complex Wildfire in July 2014. I was standing on the bank of the river outside our home and was struck by the fact that in one direction the sky was clear and blue and in the other direction the fire was raging. The plume of smoke dominated downriver and upriver you could imagine that it was any other summer. The wind was blowing so strongly that the smoke from the blaze was all going away from us. All we could see was this large plume. It was surreal to be looking into cool clear water and then up at fire and smoke. I only wished I could transport this water to the fire and quench it. Unable to do so, I took a photograph and wished for rain.
I am interested in photography as an "unusual" or "unique" image making process. In other words I enjoy starting with a photograph of an ordinary scene or subject and then I try to make it my own by adding unusual processing techniques. I hope you enjoy viewing my work as much as i enjoy creating it.
Explore the attractive custom framing and matting options available on this page; all are competitively priced.
If you have any questions about my images or need assistance with sizing, framing, etc., please contact me, before placing your order, at [email protected]
September 12th, 2014
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